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Our Story
My name is Bristen Bourque and after having an encounter with cancer (choroidal melanoma), an acquaintance of mine recommended the Biosuperfood product to me. I have been personally taking this product now since Fall of 2010 and haven't looked back. Please refer to my Personal Testimony Page for all the details of my experience with this product.
Algae For Life is a family run business. We are distributors for this powerful product. Our entire family takes the Biosuperfood product and we are very interested in having a healthy lifestyle. My wife Anike stays at home, homeschools the children, focuses on meal planning and also helps with the Algae For Life business. I also have a day job as an Operations Manager in a technology company. We hope to grow Algae For Life with time, focusing on great service and also as a great resource for information.
We love to help people and we feel that the Biosuperfood product can be a help to everyone that takes it. We hope that you will give Biosuperfood a try and let us know how you are feeling!
Bristen & Anike.
Welcome to Algae For Life!

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